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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1988-1989

  • 1988, C. Agnes ,  Chaos and Undecidability. A Group Theoretical View
  • 1988, D.V. Anosov ,  Dynamical Systems, I, Ordinary Differential Equations and Smooth Dynamical Systems
  • 1988, Vladimir I. Arnol'd ,  Metodi matematici della meccanica classica
  • 1988, Michael Barnsley ,  Fractals Everywhere
  • 1988, Gregory Chaitin ,  Algorithmic Complexity
  • 1988, Keith Devlin ,  Dove va la matematica
  • 1988, R. Herken ,  The Universal Turing Machine: a Half-Century Survey
  • 1988, Carlo Michelstaedter ,  Il dialogo della salute e altri dialoghi
  • 1988, Heinz R. Pagels ,  The Dreams of Reason. The Computer and the Rise of the Sciences of Complexity
  • 1988, Heinz-Otto Peitgen ,  The Science of Fractal Images
  • 1988, Ivars Peterson Il turista matematico
  • 1988, B. A. Rosenfeld ,  A History of Non-Euclidean Geometry. Evolution of the Concept of a Geometric Space
  • 1988, Brian Rotman ,  Semiotica dello zero
  • 1988, H. Stein ,  Logos, Logic, Logistiké: Some Philosophical Remark on Nineteenth-Century Transformation of Mathematics
  • 1988, G. Strang ,  Linear Algebra and Its Applications
  • 1989, Judith Cederberg ,  A course in modern geometry
  • 1989, Jean-Pierre Changeux ,  Pensiero e materia
  • 1989, P. Dessì ,  L'ordine e il caso. Discussioni epistemologiche e logiche sulla probabilità da Laplace a Peirce
  • 1989, S. Eubank ,  An Introduction to Chaos and Randomness
  • 1989, Robert B. Fisher ,  From Surfaces to Objects. Computer Vision and Three Dimensional Scene Analysis
  • 1989, A.S. Fotheringham ,  Spatial Interaction Models. Formulations and Applications
  • 1989, Jeremy John Gray ,  Ideas of Space: Euclidean, Non-Euclidean, and Relativistic
  • 1989, W. Knorr ,  Textual Studies in Ancient and Medieval Geometry
  • 1989, S. Lloyd ,  Physical Measures of Complexity
  • 1989, David Nelson ,  The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics
  • 1989, Grégoire Nicolis ,  La complessità
  • 1989, Piergiorgio Odifreddi ,  Classical Recursion Theory
  • 1989, D.E. Rowe ,  The History of Modern Mathematics
  • 1989, E. Sernesi ,  Geometria I
  • 1989, Andrea Sgarro ,  Codici segreti
  • 1989, Ian Nicholas Stewart ,  Dio gioca a dadi? La nuova matematica del caos
  • 1989, M. Tabor ,  Chaos and Integrability in Nonlinear Dynamics. An Introduction
  • 1989, Alan Mathison Turing ,  Wittgenstein's Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics, Cambridge 1939
  • 1989, Roberto Vacca Anche tu matematico
  • 1989, Wojciech H. Zurek ,  Algorithmic Information Content, Church-Turing Thesis, Physical Entropy, and Maxwell's Demon