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architettura: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1900-1939

  • 1900, Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel ,  La Tour de trois cents mètres [2 voll.]
  • 1903, Georg Simmel ,  La metropoli e la vita dello spirito
  • 1903, Russel Sturgis ,  How to Judge Architecture
  • 1904, Herman Muthesius ,  Das englische Haus
  • 1907, Alfred Gotthold Meyer ,  Eisenbauten
  • 1908, Moncure Daniel Conway ,  The Writings al Thomas Paine
  • 1908, Adolf Loos ,  Ornament und Verbrechen
  • 1908, Michail Ivanovič Rostovcev ,  Il paesaggio architettonico ellenistico-romano
  • 1911, Michail Ivanovič Rostovcev ,  Hellenistisch-römische. Architektur-landschaft
  • 1912, Ernest L. Ransome ,  Reinforced Concrete Buildings
  • 1915, Lawrence J. Burpee ,  Empire Builder, the Life of Sir Sandford Fleming
  • 1916, J. De Baudot ,  L'architecture et le béton armé
  • 1916, Talbot Faulkner Hamlin ,  The Enjoyment of Architecture
  • 1918, Claude Bragdon ,  Architecture and Democracy
  • 1918, Irving K. Pond ,  The Meaning of Architecture
  • 1918, R. Unwin ,  Nothing gained by Overcrowding
  • 1921, Allen S. Walcker ,  The Romance of Building
  • 1922, Claude Bragdon ,  The Beautiful Necessity
  • 1922, Daniele Donghi ,  La composizione architettonica: l'edilizia e l'estetica delle città
  • 1922, W.H. Matthews ,  Mazes and Labyrinths: Their History and Development
  • 1922, Louis H. Sullivan ,  The Autobiografy of an Idea
  • 1923, Paul Augros ,  Béton armé. Possibilités techniques et architecturales
  • 1923, Miloutine Borissavlievitch ,  Prolégomènes è une Esthétique Scientifique de l'Architecture
  • 1923, Le Corbusier ,  Verso un'architettura
  • 1924, Le Corbusier ,  Urbanistica
  • 1924, Lewis Mumford ,  Sticks and Stones
  • 1924, Howard Robertson ,  The Principles of Architectural Composition
  • 1924, Franck Rutter ,  The Poetry of Architecture
  • 1924, Edwards Trystan ,  Good and Bad Manners in Architecture
  • 1924, C. Williams-Ellis ,  The Pleasures of Architecture
  • 1925, Le Corbusier ,  L'arte decorativa
  • 1925, William Godfrey Newton ,  Prelude to Architecture
  • 1926, Miloutine Borissavlievitch ,  Les Théories de l'Architecture
  • 1926, A.S.G. Butler ,  The Substance of Architecture
  • 1926, Ludwig Hilberseimer ,  Internationale Neue Baukunst
  • 1926, Le Corbusier ,  Cinque punti della nuova architettura
  • 1927, T.P. Bennett ,  Architectural Design in Concrete
  • 1927, William Roger Greeley ,  The Essence of Architecture
  • 1927, Ludwig Hilberseimer ,  Grossstadt Architektur
  • 1927, Howard Robertson ,  Architecture explained
  • 1928, Sigfried Giedion ,  Bauen in Frankreich: Eisen, Eisenbeton
  • 1928, Sigfried Giedion Costruire in Francia. Costruire in ferro. Costruire in cemento
  • 1928, Peter Meyer ,  Moderne Architektur und Tradition
  • 1928, Salvatore Vitale ,  L'Estetica dell'Architettura
  • 1928, Julius Wischer ,  Beton als Gestalten
  • 1929, Henry-Russell Jr. Hitchcock ,  Modern Architecture. Romanticism and Reintegration
  • 1929, Manning Robertson ,  Foundations of Architecture
  • 1929, Philip N. Youtz ,  Sounding Stones od Architecture
  • 1930, Maurice Casteels ,  L'Art Moderne Primitif
  • 1930, Le Corbusier ,  Precisazioni
  • 1930, M. Malkiel-Jirmounsky ,  Les Tendances de l'Architecture Contemporaine
  • 1930, Gustav Adolf Platz ,  Die Baukunst der Neuesten Zeit
  • 1931, Le Corbusier ,  La carta d'Atene
  • 1932, Darcy Braddell ,  How to Look at Buildings
  • 1932, Robert Byron ,  The Appreciation of Architecture
  • 1932, Henry-Russell Jr. Hitchcock ,  The International Style. Architecture since 1922
  • 1932, Thomas Henry Lyon ,  Real Architecture
  • 1932, Humphrey Pakington ,  How the World builds
  • 1932, Frank Lloyd Wright ,  La città vivente
  • 1934, Reginald Blomfield ,  Modernismus
  • 1935, Alexander Gibbs ,  The Story of Telford, the rise of Civil Engineering
  • 1935, Le Corbusier ,  La città radiosa
  • 1935, John Summerson ,  John Nash
  • 1936, Richard Blunck ,  Thomas Paine
  • 1936, Nikolaus Pevsner ,  Pionieri del Movimento Moderno
  • 1937, Walter Curt Behrendt ,  Modern Building
  • 1937, Walter Curt Behrendt ,  Modern Building. Its nature, problems, and forms
  • 1937, Christopher Hobbouse ,  1851 and the Crystal Palace
  • 1937, Le Corbusier ,  Quando le cattedrali erano bianche
  • 1938, Georges Gromort ,  Initiation à l'Architecture
  • 1939, Geoffrey Scott ,  L'Architettura dell'Umanesimo
  • 1939, Frank Lloyd Wright ,  An Organic Architecture: the Architecture of Democracy
  • 1939, F.R.S. Yorke ,  A Key to Modern Architecture