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matematica: titoli (+riferimenti) : 1992-1993

  • 1992, Vladimir I. Arnol'd ,  Ordinary Differential Equations
  • 1992, John David Barrow Perchè il mondo è matematico?
  • 1992, Silvio Bergia ,  The Fate of Weyl’s Unified Theory of 1918
  • 1992, Umberto Bottazzini ,  Fonti per la storia della matematica
  • 1992, Georg Cantor ,  La formazione della teoria degli insiemi
  • 1992, Carles Casacuberta ,  Mathematical Researcb Today and Tomorrow: Viewpoints of Seven Fields Medalists
  • 1992, A. Charlier ,  Tensors and the Clifford Algebra
  • 1992, S. Coen ,  Geometry and Complex Variables
  • 1992, B. D'Amore ,  Infiniti
  • 1992, O. Darrigol ,  From c-Numbers to q-Numbers
  • 1992, P.S. Drazin ,  Nonlinear Systems
  • 1992, Michael J. Field ,  Symmetry in Chaos
  • 1992, Nina Hall ,  Caos
  • 1992, Alan Holden ,  Shapes, Space and Symmetry
  • 1992, John H. Holland ,  Adaption in Natural and Artificial Systems
  • 1992, Konrad Jacobs ,  Invitation to mathematics
  • 1992, M. Kac ,  Discrete Thoughts. Essays on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy
  • 1992, Andrej N. Kolmogorov ,  Mathematics of the 19th Century
  • 1992, G. Komatsu ,  Complex Geometry
  • 1992, Bart Kosko ,  Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence
  • 1992, Roger Lewin ,  Complexity: Life on the Edge of Chaos
  • 1992, F.C. Moon ,  Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics
  • 1992, John Allen Paulos ,  Gli snumerati: impariamo a far di conto per fare i conti con il mondo
  • 1992, Heinz-Otto Peitgen ,  Chaos and Fractals. New Frontiers of Science
  • 1992, Clifford A. Pickover ,  Mazes for the mind
  • 1992, William Poundstone ,  Prisoner's Dilemma: Von Neumann and tbe Theory of Games
  • 1992, G.F. Simmons ,  Contemporary Cryptology
  • 1992, Herbert A. Simon ,  Modelli per la mia vita
  • 1992, Raymond Smullyan ,  Satana, Cantor e l'infinito, e altri inquietanti rompicapi
  • 1992, Ian Nicholas Stewart ,  Terribili simmetrie. Dio è un geometra?
  • 1992, Morris Mitchell Waldrop ,  Complessità. Uomini e idee al confine tra ordine e caos
  • 1993, Giuseppe Arcidiacono ,  Spazio, iperspazi, frattali
  • 1993, S. Bertsch McGrayne ,  Nobel Prize Women in Science. Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries
  • 1993, L. Brunschvig ,  Les étapes de la philosophie mathématique
  • 1993, A.B. Çambel ,  Applied Chaos Theory
  • 1993, Barry Cipra ,  What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, vol 1
  • 1993, S. Couchoud ,  Mathématiques Egyptiennes
  • 1993, Alain Desrosières ,  La politique des grands nombres. Histoire de la raison statistique
  • 1993, Alexander Keewatin Dewdney ,  The New Turing Omnibus
  • 1993, Michele Emmer ,  The Visual Mind. Art and Mathematics
  • 1993, I. M. Gelfand ,  The Methods of Coordinates, Functions and Graphs
  • 1993, Enrico Giusti ,  Euclides reformatus. La teoria delle proporzioni nella scuola galileiana
  • 1993, Marvin Jay Greenberg ,  Euclidean and non-Euclidean Geometries
  • 1993, Victor J. Katz ,  A History od Mathematics
  • 1993, Bart Kosko Il fuzzy-pensiero
  • 1993, Edward N. Lorenz ,  The Essence of Chaos
  • 1993, S. Maracchia ,  Dalla geometria euclidea alla geometria iperbolica: il modello di Klein
  • 1993, E. Ott ,  Chaos in Dynamical Systems
  • 1993, T. Perl ,  Women and Numbers
  • 1993, J. Pomian ,  L'intelligence artificielle
  • 1993, Roshdi Rashed ,  Géométrie et dioptrique au X' siècle. Ibn Sahl, Al-Quhi et Ibn Al-Haytham
  • 1993, Gian Carlo Rota ,  Pensieri discreti
  • 1993, L.E. Sadovskii ,  Mathematics and Sports
  • 1993, R. Schmalz ,  Out of the Mouths of Mathematicians
  • 1993, L. Smarr ,  Scientific Computing
  • 1993, C.J. Snijders ,  La sezione aurea: arte, natura, matematica, architettura e musica
  • 1993, J.C. Sprott ,  Strange Attractors. Creating Pattems in Chaos
  • 1993, V.A. Uspensky ,  Algorithms
  • 1993, André Weil ,  Teoria dei numeri