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medicina: titoli (+riferimenti) : 2009-2009

  • 2009, Enrico Baraldi Vino e bufale
  • 2009, L. Fignon ,  Nous étions jeunes et insouciants
  • 2009, Francesco Galofaro Eluana Englaro
  • 2009, Stanislav Grof ,  LSD: Doorway to the Numinous: The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious
  • 2009, B. Hayes ,  The Anatomist. A True Story of Gray's Anatomy
  • 2009, S. Mantero ,  Fondamenti di ingegneria dei tessuti per la medicina rigenerativa
  • 2009, S.J. Murray ,  Critical Interventions in the Ethics of Healthcare. Challenging the Principle of Autonomy in Bioethics
  • 2009, Jonathan Safran Foer Se niente importa
  • 2009, C. Sainsbury ,  Martian in the Playground: Understanding the School Child with Asperger Syndrome
  • 2009, Alessandro Sbarbada Vino e bufale
  • 2009, Masaharu Takemura Biochimica